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Sulky Sunday Blues

Sunday really can go one of two ways. Sunday can either be spent with friends in a coffee shop, after an early start in a breakfast cafe and ends with candles and a face mask. Or it can be spent by waking at 2:30pm with a mild hangover and a serious regret of last night's antics, ending with binge watching Netflix after regrettably ordering Uber Eats, at the persuasion of your gleeful house mate.

My Sunday started off as the latter, if it wasn't already obvious, which inevitably brings on The Sulky Sunday Blues.

This can make a person feel all kinds of miserable, but there are some tried and tested ways to lift your mood if you are a SSB chronic sufferer like I am.


One way I like to try avoiding feeling rubbish on these Sundays is to shower the night before off as soon as possible. I like to have a steaming hot shower (when I can bring myself to get out of bed) and indulge in matching coconut shampoo, conditioner and shower gel. This always adds a touch of femininity to my Sundays, and never fails to make me feel refreshed and put together afterwards. I also like to slap a tonne of body butter on, just to really pretend like I have my shit together.

I usually like to make some healthy food. As I probably stuffed a rancid takeaway down my throat in a drunken state the night before. I usually like to cut fruit into a Greek style yogurt, or make avocado and poached egg on toast. This healthy start to the day usually cancels out the McDonald's I had the night before.

To make sure I don't feel like I'm wasting my day, I like to get out of the house and do SOMETHING. Even if this is a small walk down the road for the weekly shop, it usually makes me feel a LOT better. It is always humbling walking out of the house like a mess, and bumping into the exact three people you would rather die than see you looking like that. Always.

If I have any Uni work to catch up on, and lets face it, I'm a third year now so it feels like work is never ending, I like to dedicate my Sunday to completing it. This usually means doing some research, finding news stories and essentially loosing my mind at the work load.

However, if all of the above fails and you are just as miserable as you were at the start of the day, I suggest listening to Sade, Dido and Frank Ocean and giving up.


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